Tuesday, February 14, 2012


    After a week of being sick, and finally making it back to my classes, I’ve overcome my inability to inhale through my nose.  Thanks to this experience, I’m going to start taking vitamins like normal healthy people do.  Being sick twice in one month, adding up to almost three weeks of illness, has to be a new personal record.  Take my advice - please - and start taking vitamins.  One of the worst things that could possibly happen during the semester is getting sick.  I’m not even going to get started on allergy season... yuck.
    Rather than listing off the same information I had the last time, I will just give the link to my past blog on being sick.  I know for sure that I cannot be the only one who was/is currently sick.
    Now, onto a better topic:  budget.  Being college students, we don’t have a large amount of money to spend.  In just two weeks I’ve spent a lot of money, though I’m not sure how, and I’m not going to share how much money it was.  I will, however, share how to control spending.  Seeing as I need to learn this life lesson, and some of you probably do as well, I’ve looked up ways to control it!

Here is a list of links that can help you control your budget/spending:
CollegeTips - This link will lead to a list of tips and extra links.

I hope that these links will help you, as well as me, in maintaining a different budget for the semester.
Have a good day and good luck!

“The lack of money is the root of all evil.”
-Mark Twain

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